High seismic activity on Azores island
Seismic activity on the island of São Jorge, in the Azores, “remains above the reference values”, and “more than 1,100 low-magnitude earthquakes” […]
Police officer attacked in Lisbon dies of injuries
PSP agent Fábio Guerra, who was attacked in the early hours of Sunday, when he was trying to prevent riots […]
Covid-19: incidência de novos casos volta a subir na Europa
Os internamentos e ocupação de unidades de cuidados intensivos permanecem em níveis relativamente baixos, mas a incidência de novos casos […]
Tragedy in Texas claims life of Portuguese golf prodigy
Tiago Sousa, Portuguese amateur, was returning from a tournament in the early hours of last Tuesday, when the van carrying […]
Peru aprova libertação de ex-presidente Fujimori
O Tribunal Constitucional do Peru aceitou um “habeas corpus” solicitando a nulidade de uma resolução judicial que suspendeu o indulto […]
Bolsonaro está a “destruir” povos indígenas há 3 anos mas governo brasileiro atribuiu medalha de mérito
O Presidente do Brasil recebeu a Medalha de Mérito Indígena, por supostamente ter prestado “serviços altruístas” aos povos que habitam […]
Senate passes bill to make daylight saving time permanent
You soon may be able to skip the semiannual switching of your clocks for daylight saving time. The U.S. Senate […]
Online platform and web app to provide parents with empowering free digital research tool and “one-stop-shop” with information on every […]
Forças russas sequestraram jornalista ucraniana
Em comunicado, o órgão de comunicação ucraniano Hromadske revelou que a sua jornalista, Victoria Roshchyna, foi detida pelo exército russo […]
“…that is a war crime”
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stopped short of saying Russia was outright committing war crimes in a news conference […]
US won’t enforce no-fly zone in Ukraine
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin again reiterated that the United States will not enforce closing the skies in Ukraine, because […]