Elizabeth Portuguese Lions Club has a new President

The Elizabeth Portuguese Lions Club recently held its monthly general meeting (the last one with Manny Grova III as President). The general meeting and th new board installation dinner was hed at Valença Restaurant.

With a full house, the new board was sworn in by lion and Councilman-at-Large of Elizabeth, Manny Grova, Jr.

The new 2024/2025 President is Julie Andrade.

– Co-vice-presidents: Idalina Lopes and Jose Castanheira;

– Secretary: Sofia Aguiar;
– Treasurer: Christine Grova;
– Tail Twister: Antonio Correira Sr.;
– Lion Tamers: Joaquim Panarra and Leonel Cardoso;
– Public Relations Director: Manny Grova III;
– Lions Advisors: Joao Costa and Marie Costa;
– Board of Directors: Lourdes Goncalves, Jaime Lopes, Stephanie Lopes, Carla Rodrigues, Miguel Carvalho, Helena Goncalves, Victoria Konczynski, Raymond Rivera and Jennifer Costa.