IBID announces throwback virtual anti-litter poster contest

For close to 20 years, the Ironbound Business Improvement District (IBID) has conducted an Anti-Litter Poster Contest with students from public and private schools in our community. Why? Because in a dynamic live, work, play neighborhood like the Ironbound, we must all work together to help keep our community clean and welcoming. And that means following the rules when it comes to garbage disposal, recycling, and bulk collection.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic’s unfortunate impact on our schools, the IBID has decided to present a Throwback Contest in 2020 to determine the Best of the Best from all of the previous year’s winning posters.

The IBID’s Board of Directors recently voted on their Top Four from all of the previous year’s contest winners to determine this year’s finalists – Hawkins Street School, Ann Street School, Wilson Avenue School and Oliver Street School. Ironbound community members can vote for their favorite and be entered for the chance to win a $100 Ironbound District Dining Certificate. The winning school will receive a custom-made trophy; the remaining finalists will receive commemorative plaques. Cast your vote online by Friday, November 20th at www.goironbound.com/contest. You will also find a downloadable version of the City of Newark’s 2020 Trash, Bulk & Recycling Schedule in the contest section.

“With the pandemic confining many people to their homes we have seen a significant increase in household garbage dumped incorrectly and illegally in and around the garbage cans we maintain throughout the Ironbound District,” noted IBID President Manny Lopes, owner of Lopes & Son Hardware on Ferry Street. “We are hoping to use this year’s Anti-Litter Poster Contest to reinforce the rules regarding the regulations and schedules for trash, bulk and recycling disposal in the Ironbound and throughout the City of Newark.”

The IBID will print thousands of postcards featuring the winning artwork for distribution throughout the Ironbound community. The postcards will also include the 2020 Trash, Bulk & Recycling Schedule providing rules, regulations, schedules and other information regarding garbage and recycling pick-ups as well as bulk disposal and collection. The postcards will also be inserted into an upcoming issue of the Luso-Americano newspaper for the benefit of its readers.

“A clean community helps communicate to people who live, work or visit the Ironbound that our district is a safe and welcoming place,” concluded Seth A. Grossman, the IBID’s Executive Director. “As more and more people are coming to live in our neighborhood, open businesses here or to enjoy great shopping and dining in our stores and restaurants, it has never been more important for all of the Ironbound’s stakeholders to work together to help keep the Ironbound clean.”

For more information about programs and services provided by the Ironbound Business Improvement District visit goironbound.com or follow news from the district at Facebook.com/goironbound and Instagram.com/goironbound.